street lighting poles
Place of Origin: Latvia | Material: Steel | Type: Round | Application: street |

Dear Buyers,
Ltd. LSK is offering different types of steel lighting poles like:
- Conical octagonal
- Tubular
- Conical round-tappered
Our poles are made from steel type S235 (EN 10025:1990), different thickness possible. We have special approach for every clients, therefore different specifications are possible.
Poles can be mounted on square footstep pillow, to install columns on prepared block base
or anchor base. On request, the columns can be executed in the installation technology "directly into the ground."
Our products are protected against corrosion by hot dip galvanizing by dipping the support in a bath of molten zinc.
Galvanizing is made in accordance with the requirements of – EN-ISO 1461:2000.
On request, columns can be additionally painted in the colors of the palette RAL.
LSK columns are certified in accordance with European standart EN 40.
We look forward for your inquiries,